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Self esteem

Don’t ever doubt your worth

What is Self Esteem?

Self-esteem is all about your overall view of yourself — how you perceive your strengths and limitations — is referred to as your self-esteem. When you have a healthy sense of self-esteem, you feel pretty good about yourself and believe that you are worthy of others' regard.

When you have poor self-esteem, you don't appreciate your thoughts and ideas. You may be concerned about not being good enough all the time.

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What are the advantages of having high self-esteem?

When you have strong self-esteem and perceive yourself positively, you feel at ease and worthwhile. You have typically pleasant interpersonal interactions and are self-assured in your strengths. When you have a good sense of self-worth, you are able to:

  • Be self-assured in communicating your demands.
  • Self-assured in your decision-making abilities
  • You are able to create and maintain trusting and honest relationships, moreover, are less inclined to stay in unhealthy ones.
  • You will be less inclined to be too judgemental of yourself and others if you are reasonable in your aspirations.
  • More robust and capable of withstanding stress and adversities.
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How to boost your Self-Esteem?

There are, fortunately, things you may do to alleviate self-esteem issues. You may boost your self-esteem by taking the following steps:

  • Make a conscious effort to be more aware of unhealthy ideas. Recognize the misguided notions that are affecting your self-esteem.
  • Negative thought habits should be challenged. Try replacing negative ideas with more rational and happy thoughts when you catch yourself thinking negatively.
  • Make positive self-talk a habit. Recite affirmation prayers aloud to yourself.
  • Self-love is a good thing to practice. Practice forgiving yourself for any faults in the past and moving ahead by embracing all aspects of your personality.
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