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Obsessive compulsive disorder

What is Obsessive compulsive disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by a pattern of repetitive and intrusive thoughts (obsessions) that cause you to engage in repetitive actions (compulsions). Obsessions and compulsions create severe anguish and lead to impaired routine tasks.

You cannot simply ignore or control your obsessions as they cause anxiety which compels you to engage in obsessive behaviours to relieve your tension. Despite attempts to ignore or eliminate troublesome thoughts or impulses, they persist. This feeds into the OCD's vicious circle of repetitive activity.

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What are the symptoms of obsessive behavior?

Obsessions with OCD are intrusive, recurring, and unwelcome thoughts, urges, or visions that create anxiety. This might be followed by attempts to ignore them or doing a compulsive activity or ritual to get rid of them. Obsessions may have specific cues or triggers.

Contamination or dirt

Not having closed doors ,locks or stove (pathological doubts)


Harm to self or others

Blurting something embarrassing or bad

Unwarranted thoughts around subjects such as violence, sex, or religion.

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