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The Dark Side of Hustle Culture: The Impact of Social Media & Pop Psychology on Mental Health

Author : Dr Tulika | 16 Dec 2023

In recent years, hustle culture has become a dominant trend on social media, particularly among entrepreneurs and business owners. The idea is that in order to be successful, you need to work hard, push yourself to the limit, and sacrifice your own well-being in pursuit of your goals. This trend is often promoted through motivational posts, inspirational quotes, and success stories that highlight the benefits of hard work and determination. 

While the message of hustle culture can be inspiring and motivational for some, it can also have a dark side when it comes to mental health. The pressure to constantly be productive, achieve more, and never take a break can be overwhelming, particularly for people struggling with mental health issues like burnout, anxiety, or depression.

Additionally, hustle culture can contribute to the spread of harmful pop psychology trends that can be actively harmful to mental health. One example is the trend of "toxic positivity," which promotes the idea that people should always maintain a positive attitude and reject any negative emotions or experiences. While positive thinking can be a helpful coping strategy in some situations, toxic positivity can be harmful when it discourages people from acknowledging and processing their negative emotions, which can lead to long-term psychological distress.

Another example is the trend of "hustle porn," which glamorizes overwork and glorifies people who work long hours, sleep little, and sacrifice their own health in pursuit of success. This trend can be particularly harmful for people who are vulnerable to burnout, as it can normalize and encourage behaviours that contribute to physical and mental exhaustion. 

The impact of hustle culture on mental health can also be seen in the way that it can exacerbate existing mental health issues. People who are struggling with anxiety, for example, may feel a heightened sense of pressure to constantly be productive and achieve more in order to quiet their anxious thoughts. Similarly, people who are struggling with depression may feel a sense of hopelessness and despair when they are unable to meet the expectations set by hustle culture. 

To combat the negative impact of hustle culture on mental health, it's important to prioritize self-care and mental health support. This means recognizing the importance of taking breaks, setting healthy boundaries, and prioritizing rest and relaxation. It also means being critical of pop psychology trends that promote harmful or unrealistic expectations, and seeking out evidence-based information from reliable sources, such as mental health organizations or licensed mental health professionals. 

Additionally, it's important to recognize the limitations of hustle culture when it comes to success and fulfillment. While hard work and determination can certainly be valuable tools for achieving goals, they are not the only factors that contribute to success. Other factors, such as privilege, luck, and social support, also play important roles in determining success. 

Ultimately, the impact of hustle culture on mental health is complex and multifaceted. While there are certainly risks associated with the spread of harmful or oversimplified concepts, there is also the potential for hustle culture to be a source of motivation and inspiration for people who are working towards their goals. By being mindful, critical, and informed, we can use the message of hustle culture in a way that supports, rather than undermines, our mental health and well-being.

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