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It's okay not to be okay

What is Depression?

Depression is a form of severe mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness, melancholy, loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities and a feeling of worthlessness. Depression can affect people from all walks of life, any cultural, socio-economic or ethnic background, any age or sex. Unfortunately, depression is still a social taboo and is looked at as a sign of mental weakness, which it absolutely isn’t. it is a mood disorder that results from the imbalance in the neurotransmitters in the brain, and it isn’t something one can ‘snap out’ of without proper psychiatric help.

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What are the symptoms of depression?

The symptoms of depression are any or most of the following, and they are present every day, or almost every day for long period extending between weeks to months to qualify as clinical depression.

Contamination or dirt

Persistent feelings of sadness, worthlessness, hopelessness and lack of self-worth

Sleep disturbances

Loss of appetite or binge eating

Loss of interest in daily pleasurable activities, loss of interest in sex

Problems with relationships

Social withdrawal

Difficulty in concentrating, difficulty in taking decisions

Irritability, agitation

Listlessness, tiredness, constant fatigue

Frequent / recurring thoughts of self-harm/death

There are subtle variations in the expression of depression in different age groups. Younger children may become irritable, socially withdrawn, refuse to go to school, and cry for no reason. Teenagers show agitation, disregard for manners, addiction to recreational drugs or internet, disturbed sleep cycle. In older adults it may manifest as memory disturbances, personality changes, or psychosomatic symptoms. Psychosomatic symptoms are the physical symptoms that the individual experiences as a result of the psychiatric disorder. These include fatigue, tiredness and pain in various body parts. Suicidal thoughts are also more common amongst the aged people.

What are the causes of depression?

  • Depression is the result of a complex interaction between, genetic, environmental and social factors.
  • Genetic factors are responsible to some extent because depression is known to run in families.
  • Female sex is more prone to developing depression.
  • Adversities in life such as work related stress, loss of employment, financial crisis, loss of a loved member resulting in bereavement, stress of strained relationships, divorce or separation, a chronic illness or illness of a family member that is difficult to cope with, etc are the environmental factors that can precipitate depression in predisposed individuals.
  • Amongst children, loss of a parent, broken family, bullying at school, or even cyberbullying can lead to depression.
  • The incidence of depression has increased in younger age group because of the demanding social media image that has to be kept up with under peer pressure.
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What is the treatment of depression?

Depending on the severity and pattern of the depressive episodes, the treatment plan is formulated by the psychiatric care provider. Treatment options for depression include:


Which is basically a form of counselling. Cognitive behaviour therapy can be beneficial to those with milder forms of depression.

Anti-depressant medications

These are basically the drugs that increase the levels of the happy hormone ‘Serotonin’ in the brain.

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

Shock treatment is reserved for the severe and refractory forms of depression.

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