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Family Therapy

Protect your family’s mental health

What is family therapy?

Family, by definition, is a specific group of people that are related by affinity or consanguinity. Since age-old times and in almost all cultures, family and its stability has been seen to be the centre of an individual’s mental well-being.

Family therapy is a type of psychotherapy that involves psychological counselling and therapy of an entire family. The goal of the therapy is to improve the interpersonal relationships, interpersonal communications, resolve conflicts, and identify the family habits and patterns that may be contributory to certain mental disorders that run in the family. Family therapy can also be opted for when the family goes through a common emotion such as stress, anger or sadness.

Who can give family therapy?

Family therapy can be done by a certified psychiatrist, a clinical social worker, or a licensed psychologist.

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Why is family therapy done?

Sometimes, a common inciting event can create a lot of turbulence amongst the emotions of all family members, such as the death of a pet or the death of a loved one. Conflicts between members of a family can have adverse effects on the mental health of all family members. At other times, the medical condition of a single family member can warrant a family therapy so that the family can cope up with the psychiatric disease and its long-term treatment. This includes severe mental diseases like Schizophrenia and severe depression. Family members of persons involved with drug or substance abuse can also benefit from family therapy to understand how exactly deaddiction works and how they can physically and mentally support the patient.

Other areas where family therapy can be beneficial are

Mental illness of a child

Conflicts between siblings

Gender issues


Financial difficulties

Behavioural problems in children

Separation or divorce

Family member with special needs

What to expect in a family therapy?

Family therapy is conducted in the form of discussions and problem-solving sessions within a family, and it can include the family group as a whole, couples session, or one to one session, as deemed necessary by the psychiatric caregiver.

Family therapy is generally short term, and how long each session will last, and how often the sessions will be held, will also be decided by the therapist.

The family therapy will not necessarily make the problem go away. But it will definitely change the attitude and behaviours of the family members of looking at it, and help everyone cope with the situation, trying to bring back the lost homeostasis of the family.

There are various types of family therapy, such as family systems therapy, functional family therapy, narrative family therapy, psychoeducation, etc. What therapy is needed for a given family will depend upon what problem the family is facing.

So basically, the goal of Family therapy is to work together to heal any mental, emotional or psychological problems that threaten to tear your family apart.

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When life gets messy,
Reaching out for help is brave