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Who is at risk of developing Anxiety disorder?

Like any other psychiatric disorder, it is difficult to pinpoint a single factor or a single cause for developing anxiety disorder. However, following are the contributory factors:

  • Women have higher rates of anxiety disorder than men.
  • Having a family history of psychiatric disorder also increases the risk.
  • Traumatic events in childhood.
  • Certain physical illnesses like thyroid disorders and hormonal disorders.
  • Certain personality traits.
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What are the different types of Anxiety disorder?

Following are the common types of Anxiety disorders.

Generalized anxiety disorder

characterized by nonspecific fear and anxiety, constant feeling of being on-edge, for a longstanding time period.


Fear or anxiety in response to a specific stimulus (Claustrophobia fear of closed spaces, Arachnophobia fear of spiders, etc)

Social anxiety disorder

extreme and irrational fear of and hence avoidance of public, for fear of getting judged, and feeling humiliated and embarrassed.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

an anxiety disorder resulting from the stress of a severely traumatic event in life. It is common in war veterans.

Separation Anxiety

it is seen in children and is characterized by an extreme fear and anxiety about getting separated from a caregiver.

Panic disorder

characterized by panic attacks, which are brief episodes of intense fear and anxiety with breathlessness, rapid heart rate, sweating, hyperventilation, trembling, shaking and nausea. These attacks can be triggered by a specific fear, illogical and irrational thoughts, stress or general fear of the unknown.

What are the symptoms of Anxiety disorders?



Rapid breathing

Cold and clammy palms




Difficulty in concentrating


Obsessive thoughts

Constant feeling of being on-edge

Sleep disturbances

How are Anxiety disorders diagnosed?

Your psychiatric consultant will diagnose anxiety disorders from the symptoms, and after a complete psychiatric and physical evaluation. Various questionnaires are available for diagnosing anxiety disorders.

What is the treatment?

Treatment is done by a combination of psychotherapy and anti-anxiety medications. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has been found to be helpful in controlling anxiety disorders.

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